Matt.  9:37

Check this out!

Lou Engle, an influential Christian leader claims he got “A text from God” about the gospel being First for the Jew! And I’m part of the text! Whoa!

The Equip


GOZ is dedicated to restoring evangelism as a way of daily life for all true disciples of the Messiah.

By  equipping the body of Messiah how to bring salvation back to the  Jewish people and to all people, GOZ seeks to retore what I call "The Fellowship of the Sent Ones"

Rom. 10:15 And how can men preach unless they are sent? As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who preach good news!"

Romans ‪1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Messiah, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Gentile.

Throughout this web site I will use language that I feel is more authentic, true to the original context of the bible and not foreign to Jewish people.  For example I will use the given Hebrew name of the Messiah, Yeshua, instead of Jesus its English translation. And instead of the term Christ, I use Messiah which is the English translation of His original Hebrew title, "Maschiach". 



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Jb Ceo Gates Of Zion Test2



Founder and CEO of Gates of Zion

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The Equip Series Day 1 Introduction To Forty Days Of Equipping The Saints In Jewish Evangelism
The Equip Series - Day 1 - Introduction to Forty Days of Equipping the Saints in Jewish Evangelism
Published on 2021-09-07
Forty Days of Equipping the Saints in Jewish Evangelism: During the next forty days t...
The Equip Series Day 2 Jbs Testimony
The Equip Series - Day 2 - JB’s Testimony
Published on 2021-09-08
One of the reasons I shared my testimony was to help you to see how instrumental this Jewi...
The Equip Series Day 3 Divine Jealousy
The Equip Series - Day 3 - Divine Jealousy
Published on 2021-09-09
By the grace of God you are going to be equipped over the next 40 days and Lord willing, (...
The Equip Series Day 4 Magnify Your Ministry
Published on 2021-09-10
Whatever your God-given ministry is, realize that from now on, it will be magnified as you...

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“a Deeper Passion”

Daniel Juster


"I have known JB for over 30 years. I know of no one who shares a deeper passion for our people, the Jewish people to come into a saving relationship to the Messiah Yeshua.

JB's understanding of our people and how to communicate the Gospel with them
is brilliant. He is a very perceptive evangelist. JB is highly recommended to the congregations in our network for equipping evangelism. JB is well educated, understands and is committed to the power of the Holy Spirit and seeks to see Jewish people who make a profession of faith connected for discipleship.

I expect that JB's best years are still ahead of him as he equips others in this very important work."


Making The Messianic Movement Move Again

So many Jews were added to the faith back then, it was like the Book of Acts. Jewish people everywhere confessed faith in Messiah! Our parents freaked out. They took us to Rabbis, had us kidnapped and disowned us. But nothing worked! You could not shut us up! We told everyone, everywhere Yeshua/Jesus was the Messiah!


More Jewish people came to Messiah at that time then in the past two thousand years! But four decades elapsed, and the Messianic movement stopped moving! There is a reason why and I believe there’s a way to get us moving once again.


Updated version of ebook coming soon

Jb Making The Messianic Movement Move Again

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