About JB
JB has been communicating a highly controversial message for the past 40 years to two people groups both that are very convinced about things that are simply not true. He has been speaking to Jewish people about Yeshua (Jesus) whom they know less than nothing about. He has also been speaking to Christians about Jews whom they also know less than nothing about! Needless to say JB has honed his strategic communication skills to a lethally sharp edge!
He is known by many leaders in the Messianic Jewish movement as one of the foremost Jewish evangelists in the world. References can be furnished on request. JB is the founder and CEO of Gates of Zion a non-profit organization that equips the Body of Messiah in effective strategic evangelism especially to the Jewish people.
By virtue of his natural gifting in strategy and communication and 40 years of utilizing and sharpening his skills with hands on interaction with people and audiences all across the globe, JB has developed an uncanny grasp on how to communicate truth in a uniquely clear, fresh and strategic way.
JB's Story
I was brought up in a Jewish home in Brooklyn New York. In 1975 I began to search out the deep questions of life and in my seeking I began to explore Eastern religion. I soon saw that these Eastern disciplines did not hold the answer I was looking for and I began a journey back to my Jewish faith. On the first Sabbath I ever observed as an adult I met two identical Jewish twins one after another who stopped me on the streets of New York City asking me if I believed in Jesus. When I told them I was Jewish and did not believe in Jesus they startled me by telling me that they also were Jewish and did! I asked how they could and they gladly explained. I saw for the first time that Jesus was spoken of extensively in my own Hebrew bible and was amazed. I was soon to meet one of these twin brothers two weeks later on the Staten Island Ferry en route to Manhattan, NYC. After the ferryboat docked under the shadow of the World Trade towers, I prayed to receive the Spirit of God and forgiveness of my sins in Yeshua.
I have not been the same since!
Since the day I gave my life to Yeshua, I have been compelled to share the amazing news of the gospel with my own people. This led me to Orthodox Jews in the early days and onto Moscow, Russia in 1994 and to the forgotten Jewish communities in the Central Asian Republics in 1998.Before then I began a live call in talk radio show on a secular station in the mid 80's proclaiming to the Jewish community of the Washington, DC Metro area that Yeshua (Jesus) is the promised Messiah of Israel.
I have traveled the world speaking in churches about the call of Christians to bring back the gospel to the people from whom it first came. I have embraced our calling as Jews to be lights to all nations and by the grace of God have also traveled the world to fulfill that call.
My travels have led me to Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Cyprus, Japan, India, Nepal, Ukraine, Israel, Turkey, Belgium, Singapore, Canada, Mexico, Argentina, The Faroe Islands, Iceland, China, Butaan, and the United Kingdom.
I am presently the founding director and president of the Gates of Zion, a non profit organization established for the purpose of Jewish reaching Jewish people worldwide with the truth of the Messiah and teaching the body of Messiah to embrace their Jewish foundations and be part of the effort to bring Jewish people back home to their Messiah and King!
My vision is to effectively reach the Jewish people worldwide with a Jewish message about their Jewish Messiah. I am trusting the Lord will enable the Gates of Zion to penetrate the international marketplace and business community which has an overwhelming number of Jewish people.
This website will have as its major purpose to be a cyber equipping portal designed to equip the entire body of Messiah worldwide to effectively share the truth with Jewish people wherever they live.
I trust the Lord that many will get behind us and become partners with us in this great work. It is full time for non-Jewish believers throughout the world to begin to pay back the great debt they owe the Jewish people and bring the glorious message of salvation back to where it all began!
The prayers and participation of all who love the Lord will ultimately bring about what the scriptures promise: And all Israel will be saved; The gospel will be preached to all nations and the end will come!
It is time to complete the Great Commission!
If the Lord inspires you to financially partner with the Gates of Zion please click where it says, "DONATE" on our home page.
Thank-you for your participation as we work side by side for the Salvation of Israel.
Yours in Messiah Yeshua,