Gates of Zion's Vision


The Gates of Zion is dedicated to the Salvation of Israel.

The Jewish people first brought the gospel to the ends of the earth. The time has come to bring it back to them!

The Jewish people are not merely one of the most unreached people groups on earth, they are the most mis-reached! The Messiah, who is their Messiah, has been so badly represented that almost everything Jewish people think or know about Him is false!

The Gates of Zion's core vision is to revolutionize the way Jewish people see Yeshua (Jesus).

Vision Of Gates Of Zion Jb Bernstein
Rabbi Judah Hungerman A Move Of God Jb Bernstein

To fulfill this vision, Gates of Zion is dedicated to all who know the Lord making it possible for them to be equipped and empowered to actively participate in effectively bringing salvation to Israel.

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