
Gates Of Zion Dr Michael L Brown

"JB is a true soul winner -- not a professional evangelist but a servant of the Lord who has committed himself to seeing the lost saved (especially non-believing Jews) as well as to equipping the Body to win the lost. He understands the role of both Jew and Gentile in God's end-time plan, and through the decades I have known him, he has always gone for souls. I recommend JB to speak at your church or Messianic congregation and to inspire your people to make a difference in their world."


Dr. Michael L. Brown

Ask Dr. Brown/Line Of Fire Radio http://askdrbrown.org/

"I've known JB for many years.  In that time, I've known him to a be a true man of God, sincere, passionate for God's purposes, zealous for the Great Commission, full of compassion, heart, wisdom, and  vision.  His burden for the Jewish people echoes that of the Apostle Paul as shared in the Book of Romans. I have the highest regard for JB, his gifts, and the calling God has given him for such a time as this."


Jonathan Cahn

"I have known JB for over 30 years.  I know of no one who shares a deeper passion for our people, the Jewish people to come into a saving relationship to the Messiah Yeshua.  JB's understanding of our people and how to communicate the Gospel with them  is brilliant.  He is a very perceptive evangelist.  JB is highly recommended to the congregations in our network for equipping  evangelism.  JB is well educated, understands and is committed to the power of the Holy Spirit and seeks to see Jewish people who make a profession of faith connected for discipleship.  I expect that JB's best years are still ahead of him as he equips others in this very important work."


Daniel Juster

"JB is a God-called evangelist.  His desire is for all people to know Jesus, to the Jew first!"

Sid Roth Host, It's Supernatural!

"Greetings in Messiah Yeshua.  I want to encourage you to invite JB, president of "Gates of Zion", to your congregation in order to equip your people to effectively reach out to the Jewish community. JB is a seasoned evangelist who understands how to effectively present the message of salvation to our Jewish people. We all need to be equipped and to develop effective strategies to reach the Jewish communities whom we are called to serve with the Good News of Yeshua the Messiah.  JB is certainly qualified in this area.  JB has also helped to plant Messianic Congregations in Russia and Central Asia where he served as a Messianic Rabbi and Leader for almost a decade before moving back to the USA.  JB is now traveling here in the USA and overseas equipping Messianic Jewish Congregations to reach our people.  JB believes we are to boldly proclaim the truth in a way that is both relevant to your people and in sync with the times in which we live.  I wholeheartedly recommend JB and believe in his gifts and calling to serve the Messianic Movement.  P.S.  JB also has an interesting and humorous testimony as to how he came to know his Messiah."
David Chernoff, Senior Rabbi Beth Yeshua Congregation

"I've known JB for over 25 years. He was very influential in stirring me to reach out to Russian Jews, resulting in our congregation establishing an organization in our city that impacted the entire community. After years of leadership at Beth Messiah Congregation in Maryland, JB and his family moved to Russia where they helped to plant and oversee numerous successful Messianic congregations, both in Russia and following in the Central Asian Republics. I have been to and taught in a couple of them. We have been supporting JB for years and plan to continue with his new venture. Thank you for your consideration. "
 Jamie Cowen, Former Rabbi/Former President UMJC

Gates Of Zion Jonathan Bernis

Over the more than 30 years I’ve known JB, I’ve witnessed his unwavering commitment to reaching Jewish people with the Good News of their Messiah. I’ve worked alongside him on the streets of St. Petersburg and Moscow, Russia. I’ve watched him preach to groups assembled on sidewalks and watched the power of God transform lives through his passionate preaching.
In fact, he is one of just a handful of true Jewish Evangelist’s who like Paul, can say “my hearts desire and prayer for Israel is that they might be saved”. 
If you ever have the opportunity to enlist JB’s help to equip Believers to reach their Jewish friends, neighbors and co-workers, I strongly recommend you seize the chance!


Jonathan Bernis, President and CEO
Jewish Voice Ministries, International…and, “the other JB”

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