In this video I want to coach you about how to be a Jew to the Jews, On this video, specifically to Jews who are not religious.
Most Jewish people you meet will be “secular”.
Let me define a “secular” Jew the best I can, although “one size does not fit all”.
They probably had some religious instruction growing up but nowadays outside of keeping some Jewish traditions, typically, it would be rare, if ever, to see a secular Jew in a synagogue.
The only times most secular Jews would ever go to synagogue would be for a Bar Mitzvah or Wedding Ceremony or perhaps on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur.
Growing up, those were the only times I went.
Even in my home growing up there was never any discussion about a Higher Being and especially not about the God of Israel. Genuine faith in the living God was not a topic that was discussed.
However I’ll never forget when an Italian friend had dinner in my home, he prayed before he ate with his elbows on the table and two palms together.
His praying before he ate startled my family
I never saw a Jew pray the way he did.
Indeed I don’t remember ever praying before we ate. Maybe on the evening of the Sabbath if my mom made a special meal we would say the traditional prayer over the bread but that would be rare if ever.
That is the experience of most Jewish people I know. In each successive generation there seems to be less and less Judaism.
Most secular Jews you meet will be turned off by religion. They may see it as old fashioned and something that was for their grandparents or for weak people “who need a crutch”.
On the other hand, I have a Jewish friend who says a couple of the Hebrew words that are part of the blessing before eating bread, before he eats a meal. For him it just feels right. Does he believe in God? Yes and no, maybe yes, maybe no!
I hope you are getting some idea of how Jewish people think ,when it comes to God.
In a sense the more you find out about it, the less you know!
If you understand what I just said, you are on your way to becoming an expert at reaching Jewish people.
And that’s just the point! Most Jewish people don’t know themselves what they think about God or even know if there is a God.
There are a couple of scriptures that describes modern secular Jews:
The ox knows its owner, and the ass its master’s crib; but Israel does not know, my people does not understand.” (Isaiah 1:3)
But my people have forgotten me, they burn incense to false gods; they have stumbled in their ways, in the ancient roads, and have gone into bypaths, not the highway, (Jeremiah 18:15)
As The Equip continues I will help you understand Orthodox Jews, Conservative Jews, and Reform Jews and others as best as I am able. It is no small task becoming acquainted with the Jewish people! I am blessed you decided to take this journey with me.
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