The Equip Series Day 13 The Olive Tree Versus The Christmas Tree

I believe it is of utmost importance for Christians, in whom God has put a desire to reach Jewish people with the gospel, to grow in their understanding of how faith in the promised Messiah of Israel has been transformed from the world changing message and life infused power of the Holy One of Israel into a foreign message that makes no sense to the people of the Book, the Jews.
Modern evangelical faith is more influenced today by the Vatican and the Protestant reformation than by the original words of Yeshua and the Jewish apostles! The gospel, the power of God has fallen into the hands of men and has become the Christian religion!

Do not misunderstand me. The gates of Hell cannot prevail against the true Body of Messiah. Today, as well as throughout the past 200 years, there has been, and always will be, a faithful remnant of true disciples of Yeshua.

There have been revivals and glorious moves of God throughout the world, since the Lord ascended to heaven.

However ever since the exploits recorded in the Book of Acts, the very people for whom the Messiah came, the Jews, have all but disappeared from the Body of Messiah.
It is a rare thing to meet a Jewish person today who believes in Yeshua.
I am the only one in my family including aunts, uncles, cousins, nephews, brothers and sisters, and the only Jew who knows Yeshua among the hundreds I grew up with! Maybe there are one or two others, tops!

Our Messianic community of Jews who know Yeshua is so small, that we all know each other!
Only 0.2% of Jewish people worldwide know the Messiah has already come! That is a number that approaches zero!

Yet, why should we be surprised? Out of all those who left Egypt, a mass multitude; out of all 12 tribes of the Children of Israel, only 2 individuals crossed the Jordan into the promised land!!
That number is 0.000002!! Point 5 zeros before the 2!

Joshua, who was a prototype of Yeshua and Caleb, in whom the word of God said had a different spirit are the only ones who left Egypt and crossed the Jordan!

Remember, Jewish people need to get grafted back onto their own Olive Tree; they need to get back to where they once belonged.

Therefore let these words sink into your heart. Make it crystal clear to your Jewish hearer that you are NOT even remotely suggesting he converts to Christianity.

Again, when Jesus lived in first century Israel he did not found a new religion. He was the promised Messiah foretold by Moses and the prophets.

He was fully God, fully man and fully Jewish.
His disciples never converted to another religion.
They did not call themselves Christians.

They were called such by others and it was not an endearing term.
When you communicate the gospel to Jewish people remember you are talking to Jewish people about their God, the God of Israel, and about their Messiah, the Messiah of Israel.
If indeed Yeshua is the promised Messiah sent by the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob then there could be nothing more Jewish than to follow him!

One of the 13 Principles of Jewish Faith, Principle number 12, according to the renown sage Moses Maimonides known as Rambam is:

I believe with perfect faith in the coming of the Messiah. And even though he tarry, in spite of that, I will still wait expectantly for him each day that he will come.

There is a very strong survival instinct within the Jewish people to remain Jewish and not give up our faith in what we perceive is the one true God.

This is especially true today after the horrors of the holocaust.
It can be terrifying for a Jewish person to think he would ever depart from Judaism and become a Christian!
That is how the gospel has been communicated to Jews!

Repent from your sins and from being Jewish!

There is a saying among us Jews explaining why we have so many Feast Days throughout the year.
“They tried to kill us, we won, let’s eat!”

In some religious Jewish circles when a Jewish person becomes a follower of Yeshua he might be accused of continuing what Hitler began, namely the extermination of the Jewish people!

That is a reality you must recognize! The enemy is so gifted at deception that he has convinced Jewish people that to follow their Eternal King is high treason!
No wonder Yeshua called him the father of lies!

It is imperative that you realize that when speaking to a Jewish person you are NOT trying to convert him or any Jewish person ever to Christianity.

There are some great books I will recommend toward the end of “The Equip” that are excellent resources that will continue to equip you to better and better understanding how to, effectively, communicate the gospel to Jewish people. The emphasis is on “effectively.”

In the minds of most Jewish people belief in Jesus equals a betrayal of the Jewish people. In more observant circles it is unthinkable!

This is what we are up against!

Sometimes I wonder how I ever got into this business!

On the other hand this is the ONLY ministry guaranteed 100% SUCCESS if you endure to the end! Why do I says this?

Because the word of God says, “All Israel will be saved!”

When and how this happens is God’s business. My job alone is to obey Him!
His first words to his disciples were come to me. His last words were and are, go!

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Jewish Evangelism
Fisher of Men Series
The Equip Series - 40 Consecutive Days of Equipping in Jewish Evangelism


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