I shared in Day 14 how the Lord told his disciples everything about him must be fulfilled that was written in the Law, the Prophets and the Psalms.
Therefore it is powerful, effective and wise to utilize all three, The Law, the Prophets and the Psalms, to reveal Yeshua to Jewish people.
I will provide further instruction about the practical know how about utilizing these biblical texts on gatesofzion.net as The Equip continues.
The other edge of this double edged sword is to look at how Yeshua himself communicated to the Jewish people of his day and follow his example.
We have an eye-opening example of Yeshua in action recorded in John Chapter 3!
I strongly encourage you to read and reread this chapter so its timeless truths become part of you.
As you see and embrace the Lord’s strategy as revealed in John 3, it will move your communication of the gospel to Jewish people to another level!
Some say John Chapter 3 is the Heart of the Bible!
I’m going to take you on an accelerated concise trip through this chapter. This chapter is a vivid illustration of Yeshua revealing who he is to a Jewish leader in first century Israel.
Since the word of God is living and active, it is as powerful today as it was then…
Nicodemus was open yet secretive, as he came to Yeshua at night to avoid being seen.
Yeshua went right to the heart of this man of the Pharisees, telling him that unless he experienced a spiritual rebirth he would never see the Kingdom of God.
Yeshua continued with Nicodemus, explaining there are two births, the first one natural, the second, spiritual
He then compares those born of the spirit to the wind, which is invisible and whose beginning and end is unknown!
In verse 12 Yeshua explains this truth is from heaven, and chides Nicodemus that if does not believe earthly things then how can he believe heavily things.
Yeshua then speaks of himself in the third person as the Son of Man who has descended from heaven.
As a learned Jew Nicodemus must have been very familiar with the term Son of Man as spoken specifically in the Book of Daniel.
Then Yeshua describes himself in comparison to Moses lifting up the serpent in the wilderness.
This is such a powerful truth that I am inspired to devote one day of The Equip to the meaning of this.
Then comes the core reason of why God sent Yeshua: Perhaps the most well known bible verse there is:
John 3:16 - For God so loved the world
Now would be the time to reveal to your Jewish friend it was because of God’s great love that, he sent Yeshua as the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world… So we would not perish but have eternal life!
This is a verse to “camp out”! Perish? What does John mean by “not perish”?
Eternal life? Tell me more.
This one utterance of Yeshua explains the entire gospel!
How God created man sinless, meant to live forever.
But when man sinned death entered the world.
The wages of sin is death.
Biblically speaking, death is not merely the end of life but eternal separation from God.
This is the meaning of Hell.
Yeshua came to take the sin the sin of the world upon himself and its penalty which is death.
His death was the payment for the sin of the world.
This is an overwhelmingly beautiful story. Learn how to tell it with passion.
Your presentation of the gospel, the good news may very well be the first time your Jewish friend has ever heard it!
When a Jewish person first hears and understands the gospel, through a Jewish lens, he will be gripped, cut to the heart, and cry out, what must I do to be saved?
This is why I am directing, writing, producing, lighting, shooting each video, the audio, and both staging and speaking in The Equip!
My purpose and passion is to equip and release you into the harvest and trust the Lord you will be His chosen vessel to participate in the greatest biblical adventure since the book of Acts: The Salvation of Israel!
Please support our ministry.
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