There was a saying that was texted to me in light of the need to regularly wash our hands durning the time of the Covid 19 Pandemic.
It was:
The Majority of People Believe
The Most Frequently Washed Body Part in 2021 Was The Hands. But In Fact It Was The Brain.
I don’t want to get into that.
But when it comes to Brain Washing…
I will drive this home again and again and again
Jewish people are BRAINWASHED about the gospel!
And Christians are BRAINWASHED they don’t need to preach it!
Let’s begin with Jewish people:
I grew up 100% sure that Jesus was the God of the Catholics
Jesus was not for us. He was for THEM!
They go to these pointy buildings called churches
We go to normal buildings called Synagogues
Their heads are bare when they pray (Except for the Pope)
We wear yarmulkas
Why does he wear a yarmulke? That totally confused me.
They wear crosses
We wear stars
Jesus is the furthest thing from the mind of a Jew
Yet none of us knows why!
The entire nation!
Generations of Jews come and go.
Many stripes, many beliefs, many world views.
One thing we all have in common
We do not believe in Jesus!
I don’t think this has ever happened ever before in history!
The perpetual brainwashing of an entire people group for 2000 years!
Your job is to help Jewish people SEE their unbelief in Yeshua is due to the greatest con in all of history!
But instead of using the term Brainwashing let your Jewish friend know he was sold a bill of goods.
There is no reason ever given why we don’t believe in him.
No proof given he is not the Messiah
He is never spoken of. Complete silence!
In Hebrew school he is never even mentioned!
In the home he is never mentioned,
Yet Jesus is the most influential Jew who ever lived!
And why when one of my parents was angry did they exclaim Jesus or Jesus Christ, or if they were really angry: Jesus Christ Almighty!! How strange! How mysterious!
Why don’t Jewish people yell out Moses or Mohammad when they are angry? Why Jesus?
You have the power and are now being equipped to cause your Jewish friend to think for himself about this man who died, rose from the dead and is coming soon, for the first time in his life!
On the next equip I am going to speak about someone else who may very well be brainwashed! Namely you!
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