I am on the rooftop where it is possible Simon Peter saw the vision of a sheet lowered from heaven with all kinds of unclean animals when a voice told him, "Rise Peter, kill and eat. If not this rooftop surely one close by as we are In Jaffa, Israel, the place where this vision took place.
Yakov who is a man of God after my own heart, an evangelist of evangelists who I believe has done more to make the name of Yeshua known in Israel since the first century. I kid you not.
Here we are on this rooftop where Peter received instruction to take the gospel to the Gentiles, to encourage you to put your hand to the plow and continue what began here 2,000 years ago. We are Yeshua's disciples today!
Our call is to take the word of life and proclaim it until the return of the Lord! Lets roll up our sleeves and do what the Lord commands and turn this world upside down like our brothers and sisters here, did many years ago! The same God Who lived in them, lives in us!
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