It's Time to Fish
God is moving. I have seen His hand upon two Messianic Jewish Congregations since the beginning of this year. The Lord told us in the last days the love of many will grow cold. Today there is a deep freeze upon many hearts for the lost, including the lost sheep of the House of Israel. Over the last few decades active deliberate ongoing outreach in the Body of Messiah has taken a back seat.
But I have seen these two congregations, one in Sarasota Florida and the other in Frederick Maryland commit themselves to go into the "highways and byways", day in and day out, to proclaim the gospel to the Jew first and everyone else! The most encouraging thing is this fresh move of God is neither an official program nor is it event-driven but rather it has become a lifestyle of seeking and saving the lost!
It is both interesting and appropriate this move of God began amongst the Messianic Jews. Was it not the Jews who the Messiah first visited and through whom His power first manifested when this all began two thousand years ago?
What is happening in merely two congregations is a small beginning but I believe the Lord desires all of us to make a paradigm shift to a structure modeled by those first Jewish disciples of Messiah as revealed in the book of Acts.
Imagine if our people were inspired, equipped and sent out daily to the population centers of our cities and it was part of their lifestyle!
The Lord first came to seek and save the lost. He calls us to do the same!
The fellowships in first-century Israel were made up of disciples who were trained by the Master to be fishers of men. These original fellowships, were, like "fishing boats". Their primary purpose was to catch men. It seems today as if these original "fishing boats" have been transformed into "cruise ships" and in more cases than we would like to admit, "luxury liners"!
I am convinced it is The Lord's desire to release a fresh new passion and fire in our hearts for the lost.
The first words of Yeshua (Jesus) were:
Matt. 4:19 Then He said to them, "Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.
His last words were, "Go and make disciples of all nations."
Yeshua knew his purpose. He knew why the Father sent Him. Luke 19:10 For the Son of man came to seek and to save the lost."
We are sent for that same purpose!
John 20:21 So Yeshua said to them again, "Peace to you! As the Father has sent Me, I also send you."
Those first Jewish fishers of men not only changed the world but turned it upside down!
I would say it is time to turn our cruise ships and even our luxury liners back into fishing boats! Is it not time to turn the world upside down again?
I believe it is full time to "hoist our sails" and head full steam ahead to the fishing grounds.
The Lord's word to us is: "All hands on deck"!
Let's turn our cruise ships and even our luxury liners back into fishing boats! What do you say? I say, "It is time to cut bait and fish!"
Are there any captains out there who are ready to set sail and head full steam for the fishing grounds?
If so contact me ASAP!
I am JB , a Messianic Jewish evangelist and the founder of the Gates of Zion, an evangelistic equipping ministry dedicated to equipping the saints to do the work of evangelism to the Jew first and then to everyone else!
Email me @ goz47@me,com
Please support our ministry.
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