The Equip Series -Day 11- Get Back (To Where You Once Belonged)

The Equip Series Day 11 Get Back To Where You Once Belonged

What I am sharing now is so important. The truth concerning the Body of Messiah according to the word of God, has been distorted in respect to Jewish people. 

It is biblically inaccurate for a Jewish person in order to believe in the gospel to convert and become a Christian!  

The exact opposite is true! 

It is the gentiles who must convert! 
Gentiles are grafted on to what the Bible describes as the Cultivated Olive Tree, or the Commonwealth of Israel!  

“Therefore remember that at one time you Gentiles in the flesh, called the uncircumcision by what is called the circumcision, which is made in the flesh by hands remember that you were at that time separated from Messiah, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel,and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. But now in Messiah Yeshua you who once were far off have been brought near in the blood of Messiah.” (Ephesians 2:11-13)

It’s not the Jews who need to change, stop being Jewish and become Christian but rather, its the gentiles who change and become part of the Commonwealth of Israel!

This is amazing! The spirit of darkness has twisted and confused this biblical truth for the greater part of the past two thousand years!

Biblically, Israel is the Cultivated Olive Tree and Jewish people are its natural branches!

However, the overwhelming number Jewish people, perhaps 99.8% of them (almost all) have been broken off of their own olive tree because of unbelief.
(Romans 11:20)

But that does not change the fact that the Cultivated Olive Tree is still their tree! 

Gentiles born of the spirit 
Have been grafted onto their tree!

…you, a wild olive shoot, were grafted in… and share the richness of the olive tree, (Romans 11:17)

They in no way, are grafted onto your tree!  

In fact: You don’t  have a tree! You are on their tree!

As a gentile who knows the Messiah of Israel, your message to Jewish people is straightforward and simple. 

In fact it is expressed in a famous Beatles song!

With love and the utmost respect, communicate the following words your Jewish hearer and to all Jewish people you have the opportunity to share the gospel with:

Your message to Jewish people:
your exhortation to Jewish people:
the gospel to Jewish people:


Get back to where you once belonged!
They belong on their own tree!

Rom. 11:24 For if you have been cut from what is by nature a wild olive tree, and grafted, contrary to nature, into a cultivated olive tree, how much more will these natural branches be grafted back into their own olive tree.

The great majority of Jews have been broken off of their own tree because of unbelief in their own Messiah!

Nevertheless, the cultivated olive tree is still their tree! 

Jewish evangelism in a nutshell is helping Jewish people see they need to be grafted back on to their own tree! 

That is where they once belonged and that is where they now belong!

That Beatles hit was prophetic!

I am trying to get you to listen to two individuals named Paul here!  
First The Apostle Paul and concerning this specific truth:

Paul McCartney!

Remember Christians! 
Jewish people do not become part of you, 
You have become part of them! 

Even though you are on their tree you did not become a natural branch!

You remain a wild olive branch  grafted on to their Tree!

Just as the song, “Get Back” is God’s word to the Jews, His word to you is found in another song of that era: 

Yes! You are a wild olive branch and God loves you!

Please remember this from now on when speaking to Jewish people about the Messiah. 

Most Christians today wrongly think that the Cultivated Olive Tree is now their tree!  

In deed Christians have completely transformed the Cultivated Olive Tree INTO A CHRISTMAS TREE!
One that is so foreign to Jewish people that their faith in God and the honor they have for their forefathers would cause them to run from such a tree! 

You are called and now equipped to change that!


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The Equip Series - 40 Consecutive Days of Equipping in Jewish Evangelism


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